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Originally composed for use in the Lutheran and Anglican Church, now skillfully adapted and expanded by Jonathan Eason to cover the entire Roman Catholic calendar. These miniature choral gems can also be used in any church that follows the Liturgical Year. Written in an accessible SATB motet style, each Introit contains an Antiphon followed by an Anglican Chant styled Psalm verse. In the absence of a choir, the Introits may be sung by a soloist, accompanied by organ.


This edition follows the Introits in the Graduale Romanum; where the Graduale and the Roman Missal (Third Edition) are at odds, the Graduale governs in any mass with music. Jonathan Eason has meticulously adapted the Introits to include all Sundays of the Ordinary Form liturgical year and other major Feasts in the Roman Catholic Calendar, and any Feast or Solemnity that replaces a Sunday. Some are usable for multiple occasions, including Common, Votive, and Ritual Masses. There is even a newly composed Introit for Thanksgiving Day for use in American parishes.


In Roman Catholic and Anglican liturgies, The Introit (Introitus) of the Mass consists of an Antiphon followed by a portion of a Psalm and the Gloria Patri which are sung as the celebrant and other ministers enter the church and approach the altar. This has generally been the tradition in Western rites since the earliest recorded liturgies of the Christian Church, with some variations. Although hymns are most commonly used now as the entrance music in many churches, Introits are liturgically more appropriate and are based upon the scripture readings contained in the Missal and Lectionary.


Healey Willan (1880-1968) was born in England and emigrated to Canada in 1913. He was an Anglican organist, choirmaster, composer, and played a significant role in the “Anglo-Catholic” movement in church music at the time.


Seraphim Music has obtained exclusive permission and license to publish this collection, with expansions and adaptations by Jonathan Eason, from the Healey Willan Society.



Introits for the Church Year -Healey Willan/Eason-Printed Edition


    © 2024 by Seraphim Music 

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