‘The old proverb, "Necessity is the Mother of Invention” truly applies to us at Harp Couture! It all began with a busy Persian carpet and a dusty harp!
How many of you have participated in harp workshops or performed in venues with busy, pattered carpets or flooring - only to find it was impossible to see your harp strings? Well, that happened to us, too, and thus our first product was born: The Perfect-View Harp Mat! If you are losing your battle with dust bunnies…or if you need to protect your harp from the curious fingers of others at events and such…our Director of Design, Coralie Olszta, has also created wonderful solutions with our beautiful hand-crafted, custom-made “Harp Tunic” and “Harp Jacket.”
As we have grown, so has our product line. For additional items, please visit our Harp Couture website at www.harpcouture.com to browse through our full line of fashion and accessories we offer for the harp...and for you! We also have a great selection of harp-embroidered apparel and accessory items which make perfect gifts for your harp buddies...or just treat yourself! It is with great pride that we present our products to you, dear fellow harpists...and hope you enjoy your shopping experience with us!
Fashion & Accessories for the Harp

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Additional Instructions for Harp Tunic or Harp Jacket Orders:
To help us better serve you in a timely manner, please email harpcouture@comcast.net with the following information when ordering a Harp Tunic or Harp Jacket:
Brand Name and Style of Harp
Indicate Lever or Pedal
Preferred Color(s)
For Harp Tunic orders: As you sit in playing position, which side of the harp would you prefer the tie closure? RIGHT or LEFT
For Custom Monogramming ($10.00 extra), send us your initials in this order: First / Last / Middle
For Custom Monogramming: When you sit behind your harp, which side would you like monogrammed? RIGHT or LEFT
Embroidery Options:

Custom Monogram: Script
Custom Monogram: Diamond
Harp Style A: Pedal
Harp Style B: Lever (full design)
Harp Style B: Lever (outline only)
Harp Style C: Modern
Harp Style D: Lap
Harp Style E: Celtic (full design)
Harp Style E: Celtic (outline only)
Harp Style E: Celtic w/ blue ribbon and green clover embellishment