Lead Sheets, Easily Accessible Arrangements, and an Instructional Manual, for Harps tuned in the key of C:
Amazing Grace, Be Still and Know, Be Thou My Vision, Blessed Assurance, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Day by Day, Doxology, For The Beauty of the Earth, Give Me Jesus, God Will Take Care of You, He Hideth My Soul, He Leadeth Me, Higher Ground, His Eye Is On The Sparrow, Holy Holy Holy, How Great Thou Art, I Love Him, In The Garden, Jesus Jesus, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, Just As I Am, The King of Love, Lily Of The Valley, The Love of God, My Shepherd Will Supply My Need, Nearer My God To Thee, Precious Lord Take My Hand, Precious Memories, Rock of Ages, Sweet By And By, Sweet Hour of Prayer, There Is A Balm In Gilead, This Is My Father's World, Turn Your Eyes, Were You There?, What A Friend, What Wondrous Love Is This, Whisper A Prayer, Whispering Hope.
Favorite Hymns- Lead Sheet Basics, Bk. II - C